
Proof Reading Requirements.

Q. Will your proofing my book guarantee you will find all errors?
Our proof readers are volunteers that love reading. Some of them have been reading and writing reviews so long that most mistakes they find seem to jump out at them. Though they do have a nack for finding most minor spelling and punctuation mistakes, typos, formatting issues and inconsistencies, we cannot guarantee that they will find every mistake.

Q. My book has already been published. Isn’t it too late to have it proofed now?
Honestly, proof reading should be completed prior to your book being published. However, its never too late to be made aware of mistakes found in your book so that you can take action.

Q. My book has already been published. Why should I have my book proof read again?
If you are submitting your book to us for a review, one of our reviewers will be reading your book anyway. They may find some mistakes that was previously missed. If you select the proofing option the reviewer will make you a list of any mistakes they find. This list will be sent to you for your review and you will be given time to make any corrections you deem necessary prior to your review being published. Any of the items on the list that are addressed in the given amount of time (typically two weeks) will not be referenced in your review.

Q. Can I use your proof reading package instead of having others to proof read my book?
With your book being already published, we are assuming that someone has already proof read it. Our book reviewers would just be making note of small things that might have been missed in its initial proof reading. Our service should not be used as your preliminary proof reading. We will make note of up to 25 mistakes. If we find more than 25 mistakes we will send you the list and advise you to temporarily make your book unavailable to sell and have your book professionally proofread.

Q. What format do you accept our books in for proof reading?
. We accept PDF, doc & docx

Q. Any other requirements?
. Yes, make sure that the document you send to us is typed in English. It should contain correct formatting with separated chapters, paragraphs, etc. All pages should be numbered. If we do not see this we will reach out to you to get a correct document sent to us.

Q. How will you send the errors you find to us?
We will email you a list of the errors found while reading your book. Below is a few examples of what to look for.
We will send you page# paragraph and sentence for each error, misspelled words, typos, or mis-used words found. The 3rd example is one of our Hidden Gems.
***1st Example: Page 46, 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence. The word “some” is misspelled as “soem”.***
***2nd Example: Page 93, 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence appears to be missing a word. “After recovering from their shock, the team quickly up the hill towards the village. Not one of them looked back.”***
***3rd Example: Page 204, 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence makes no sense. John was angry as he ran from the house to his car.  She had no right to talk to him that way.  It wasn’t his fault that he had to work for a living and just couldn’t take the day off whenever she wanted him to. SpongeBob stole the mailman’s sandwich out of his truck.  If they were going to make this relationship last, she will have to grow up.

Q. How do I make corrections to my book that has already been published?
To make corrections to self published books click Corrections. Corrections can also be made to other books. More information can be found here.

Q. Two weeks doesn’t seem like a long time to make the corrections that the book reviewer found.
All of the mistakes are spelled out for you. Page #’s, which paragraph and what the error is. In reality it should only take you a few days at best to make any corrections. If your book is already for sale you would want to get those errors corrected as quickly as possible for that could be embarrassing to the author.

Q. I made the corrections to my book. Now what?
Reply to the email chain with an attached pdf copy of your corrected book and a link to the corrected version available online. This will be the book referenced in your book review after one of our Confidential Reviewers verifies the corrections and no mention of the corrected errors will be made in your review.