Best Fit Policy

Share the space and best fit policy.

Prior to your ordering any of our advertising services we recommend you familiarize yourself with our “Share The Space and Best Fit Policy“. We will update this policy as needed.

We reserve the right to place your banner as we see best fit. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing all banners will be placed as rotating banners, thus sharing the space with other banners.

We reserve the right to place as many banners in one space as we see fit. In most cases this will be five or six banners sharing one space. Each banner in that set will have an equal amount of viewing time as the rest of the banners in that set. At times there may be several sets of the same type of banners. We reserve the right to place your banner in any one of these sets.

We reserve the right to move your side banner to another space on the pages if we deem it necessary to help evenly space banners. This will only happen if we get more banners than one space should have and need to create another set or rotating banners.

On occasion we may run your banner a few days longer than what was requested as we may only update the banners a few times a week.

When making your banner for you we reserve the right to use any colors, styles and size of font we choose to make your banner a good fit. We will do our best to make your banner appeasing and a good fit for the website. On occasion we may ask for your input when making your banner, however this is not a guarantee.

We periodically check the links on banners to ensure they are working and pointing to the correct websites. We reserve the right to remove your banner if we find it pointing to a different website than what was agreed upon or if we find it inactive or a broken link.

If your advertising is a part of your book review package we will start your advertising after the book review is complete and posted.

Cancellations: We will review all cancellation request on a case by case basis but in most cases we will require 30 days advance notice.

With your continuing to use this website and any services provided you are agreeing to this policy.