REVIEW: Three Sisters. A Tale Of Survival by Nikki Lewen

Review borrowed from Amazon.
This is a very entertaining book, the first of a series, about the cataclysmic effects of climate change and how they impact on Sadie, Caleb, Jose, Anna and Clara.

The Tri-Nami has struck the world and changed everyone’s life. Sadie lost her father and her husband. She must now deal with her new reality, which includes former boyfriend Caleb, orphaned children Jose and Anna, and Clara, a widow who has survived off-grid for several decades. They live in a dangerous world plagued by diminishing resources and facing the atrocities of the Splitters, a group of vigilantes made up of murderers, torturers, rapists, and their slaves.

The author has created a cast of characters with strong women and evil antagonists, all very realistic. She has not succumbed to explaining all minute details, the mistake other dystopian authors make, which allows the reader to move swiftly through plot and subplots (I read it in two sittings).

The secret of success in dystopian writing is making the readers comfortable as part of the story, involving them emotionally in the survival of the protagonists and the destruction of the antagonists. In other words, Lewen’s task is to transport the readers into a parallel universe that “could happen to them.” Sometimes, she seems to not provide enough description of items Sadie puts into her backpack, or changes Jose makes all by himself on the Coast Guard vessel they have obtained. But that’s all good. It doesn’t let the story get bogged down with boring specifications.

I truly enjoyed this novel and look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Three Sisters A Tale of Survival is available on Amazon.

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