Starving Author Fund

Our Starving Author Fund is our own unique fund raiser designed to assist authors that maybe struggling through financal hardships in obtaining access to some of our services that they would otherwise not be able to obtain. We do not send out money. Instead we give back in the form of discounts that are applied when they order our services.

Making a donation for this program is simple. You will see our donate button in various places around our website. Be assured that once you select the option to donate towards our Starving Author Fund that any and all $$$ meant for this program will go towards this program.

Applying for the program is easy. Simply use the author contact form to send us a request for assistance. Make sure to send any documentation you deem necessary to help state your case for needing assistance. Read more about the acceptable documentation in our documentation requirements section below. The board members will review all request and make determinations on a case by case bases.


*** No Assistance: Meaning you requested assistance but failed to provide any proof of your need for assistance.
*** 10% Discount: Meaning you proved the possibility of a hardship but did not provide enough evidence for a higher determination.
*** 15% Discount: Meaning you proved a hardship but did not provide enough evidence for a higher determination.
*** 20% Discount: Meaning you proved a hardship along with enough evidence to receive one of our highest standard discounts.
*** 25% Discount: Meaning you proved a hardship along with enough evidence to receive our highest standard discount.

Our awards can be used on any of our packages offered on our Book Review Request form. All awards will be emailed to the recipients in the form of discount codes. Do not share these codes with anyone for they are only good for one use and they do expire in 30 days.


* Any documentation you send to us should have your name clearly visible on it. Your name must match the name on the contact form for you to be considered for this program.

* Make sure to blacken out any personal information on any documents you decide to send to us prior to sending it. All we need to see is your name on the document and be able to read what the document is and what it is pertaining to.

* DO NOT send any documentation clearly showing your personal information such as Social security number (SSN), passport number, driver’s license number, taxpayer identification number, patient identification number, and financial account or credit card number.

* All personal information listed above must be blackened out prior to sending us the requested documentation.

* All documentation you send to us will be deleted / destroyed after a determination is made.

* Make sure to Contact us with any questions.