Services Offered

  • What happened to Lucy?

Here is a brief list of the different services offered on our website. Please check back often as this list may change from time to time.

Book Review: All book reviews are free and a minimum of five paragraphs long. Once completed the Author will be provided a link to the book review.

Bronze Package: Includes the book review described above. An announcement of your book review will be posted on the Home Page of The Book Observer website for 14 days. This package also includes an authors page.

Silver Package: Includes everything in the Bronze Package plus your book reviewer posting a brief post of your book review on their FB Page and providing a link back to your book review on the Book Observer website.
(See details on a brief post below.)

– Gold Package: Includes our free five paragraph book review, an announcement of your book review posted on the Home Page of The Book Observer website for 21 days, an authors page, proof reading and the book reviewer posting a brief post of your book review on their FB Page and providing a link back to your book review on the Book Observer website.

Platinum Package: Includes everything in the Gold Package except your book review will be listed on the Home page of the Book Observer website for 30 days. This package also includes our Hidden Gem option, and the book reviewer posting a detailed post of your book review on their FB Page and providing a link back to your book review on the Book Observer website.
(See details on a detailed post below.)

– In-depth Review Package: Is a book review with Proof Reading and Hidden gems performed by an experienced Level III or above Book Reviewer. You will be given a list of all errors found while reading your book and two weeks to make any necessary revisions prior to your book review being posted. Your posted book review will not make reference to any errors that have been corrected within the two week time frame. Once posted an announcement of your book review will be listed on our Home Page for 30 days.

– Brief Post: Two or three sentences containing the Author’s name, the name of the book and a link where the completed book review can be found.
– – Example of Book Review brief FB post:
Book Reviewer: Hey Fans, I just read a pretty interesting book “Killer Termites” by John Doe. Click the link below to read my full book review.
(The link will lead to the book review on The Book Observer Website.)

– Detailed Post includes:
– – Five or six sentences
– – Authors name
– – Title of the book
– – A link leading to the completed book review
– – & a couple of sentences saying something about the book that may entice people to want to investigate and possibly purchase your book.
– – Example of a Book Review detailed FB post:
Book Reviewer: Hey Everyone, If you know me you will know that I am not a real fan of Romance Novels. However, I have to say that Jane Doe’s “Night of the clear sky” had me hanging on every word. I had trouble putting the book down at night as I followed the main character Bella as she over came her shyness and depression in her pursuit of love. She had a lot of obstacles to overcome including a very mean step father that had other disturbing intentions for her and the man of her dreams chasing another woman.
You can read my full book review on the Book Observer website by clicking the link below. I hope the author writes a sequel as I would love to know what happens next.
(The link will lead to the book review on The Book Observer Website.)

Level III Or Above Reviewer: Your book review and any other requested services will be completed by an experienced Level III or above Book Reviewer.

– Hidden Gem: Five or more short phrases, sentences or even reverse words that are inserted in existing sentences or paragraphs of your uploaded book that make no sense to the story so they catch the attention of the reader. These will be hidden through out the book and the book reviewer will not know how many hidden gems are inserted or where to look for them. We will know that the book reviewer read your book by their reporting those hidden gems as errors.

(See if you can find the Hidden Gems in the below examples.)

*** 1st Example: (Inserted sentence that makes no sense.) “Sally and Matt were very impressed with the new look of their kitchen with all the new black appliances and white porcelain sink. They especially loved how the microwave was now mounted on the wall instead of taking up room on the counter. Little Boo Peep found her sheep under the tire of a Cherokee Jeep. Matt pointed out the new hanging pot rack to Sally and she turned and pulled him into her arms hugging him tight.”
*** 2nd Example: (Reverse words.) “Mike hated mowing the lawn during the heat of the day. The sun felt like it was baking his back and it was giving him a headache. He stopped long enough to pull his sweaty shirt off and toss it onto the front steps of the porch before resuming his mowing. A few seconds later he heard his calling mom him asking he if wanted some cold ice tea.”
*** 3rd Example: (Inserted short phrase.) “Larry turned his head to look at Beth as she climbed into the passenger seat of his car. “Dang, she’s beautiful.” he thought to himself as he watched her pull the car door closed. Humpty Dumpty was pushed! He smiled at her before leaning over and kissing her cheek. She looked up at him smiling. “What was that for?” She asked as she reached for her seatbelt.”

Authors Page: Authors profile page introducing the author and listing all the authors books that “The Book Observer” has completed a book review for as clickable links. Your name in the announcement will link to your authors page.
***The Authors Page can be substituted with a link to your own “About the author” page. All links will be verified.

-Meet Author, Rotating Banner: 300×420 pixel image of the author on a rotating banner that shows on every page of the website. Once clicked it will take the visitor to the authors website or to the authors page on the website.

Verified Purchase: We purchase the book from an online book store of your choice. “Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million etc.” Once your book review is complete it will be submitted to the online book store for posting. Read more on the Amazon Verified Purchases Reviews on our Resources page.

– Proof Reading: You do not want one of the lines of your book review to read something like this, “Interesting read if you can ignore all of the mis-spelled words.” With our proof reading option, the book reviewer will make a list of all errors found while reading the book. This list will be sent to you and you will be given two weeks to make any necessary revisions. You can read more on making corrections by clicking here.

Make sure to check back often as we may be adding more services in the near future.