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Has something like this has happened to you?

You are so proud of yourself for you have just completed your new book. A real masterpiece, if you must say so yourself. It took you months to finish it but now here you are with what could be the next best seller. Now what?

Your book is listed on the online store but you notice that the other books on that same page all have reviews but yours doesn’t. How do you get someone to write you a review? You reach out to your close family and friends and send them all a free copy of your book and ask them to please read it and write a review. Now what?

You wait weeks and hear nothing back from anyone. You don’t want to seem desperate but you gradually start inquiring with some of them and start hearing the excuses. “Oh, I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I will soon.”, “I love it. I will write the review tomorrow.” or “I’m sorry. I have just been so busy with work and all. I will get to it. I promise.” Now what?

A few more weeks pass and you still haven’t received a review from anyone including the ones that promised to do so. You consider reaching out to them again but decide not to. Out of desperation you start searching the internet for alternative book review sources. After several days of thinking about it, you decide on one of the paid book review sites and submit your book for review. Now what?

Right around $299.00 and 30 days later you receive a great book review from the site you submitted your book to. A link to your great review is on site and you see that several others have responded to your book reviewers review of your book with promising comments. You sit and patiently wait for something to happen. Now what?

A few weeks pass and nothing has happened. You start receiving emails from the book review site offering more services for more $$$. However, you already paid them $299.00, so surely something will happen. Months pass and your book is still for sale but nothing has happened. Now what?
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Unfortunately the above scenario is one that we hear about all too often. Several of us have went through something very similar to this ourselves. You pay all this $$$ out and get nothing in return except a review on a website that no-one ever sees. Now what?

Now that “The Book Observer” is here you have more options. Make sure to check out our SERVICES we offer that can help you get your books seen.